Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor
In 2014 I got to work as a Lighter/CG Generalist for the in-game cinematics of Middle Earth : Shadow of Mordor. It was a wonderful experience.
Below are some of the scenes I worked on.
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Save the Date
Made this for my sister Cai and her husband Ole. Fun stuff!
Still Life
This is a study of of the doomed love affair between two lonely bananas.
Light and Shadow
This is an exercise on Light and Shadow on different shapes. It was done in Photoshop.
The original sketch was by Andrew Loomis.
Master Study
This is a Master Study I made from the beautiful art of Ketka.
The purpose of this exercise was to be able to copy artwork done by another artist. Because of this study, I was able to learn new painting strokes and styles of shading. I really like how Ketka does the shading for the skin and clothes, making them look luminous.
Eneloop Bike
Modeled in Maya. No textures. Rendered in Vray.
All models, lights and rendering were done by me.
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Life Drawing
Charcoal and Chalk Pastels
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